• Toothache or pain
  • Tooth sensitivity to hot or cold
  • Discoloration on the surface of teeth
  • Small holes on the surface of teeth

Composite fillings restore health to your smile. When a tooth is damaged by bacteria and decay, a cavity may develop that can eat away at the surface enamel.
If left untreated, a simple cavity can develop into a tooth infection, requiring a root canal to restore health and eliminate pain. However, if a cavity is caught early enough, we can clean away bacteria and decay and protect the affected area with a composite filling. Composite fillings are a mixture of resin and glass and are tooth colored to match your smile. We offer composite fillings to give our patients a healthier and more attractive smile after bacteria has been removed.

Dental Inlays and Onlays Protect Your Teeth:

We offer porcelain inlays and onlays when treating tooth decay. Inlays sit within the cusps of the teeth and are commonly used when damage is not as severe. A dental onlay covers one or more cusps of the teeth as well as the surface between them. Onlays are used when damage to the tooth is more severe, but there is still enough supporting tooth structure to not require reshaping the entire tooth for a dental crown. Dental inlays and onlays are durable and will allow you to use your teeth as normal while protecting them from further damage.

Preventive Care Catches Problems Early:

Treating cavities with composite fillings is a routine procedure for Dr. Francisco Marcano and our team. We believe we have been put in our position as dental providers to give all patients the most comprehensive and excellent dental care within our means. This includes encouraging our patients to perform adequate at-home hygiene care to prevent cavities from ever developing. The best way to prevent cavities is with daily brushing and flossing routines and by visiting your dentist at least twice a year for routine cleanings and exams. Our office features DIAGNOdent® and CariVu™ technology during routine exams, which uses fluorescent laser light to help identify potential cavities early on.